Wednesday 20 May 2009

CFP: CIM10 Nature versus Culture (Sheffield)

21 - 24 JULY 2010

The Conferences on Interdisciplinary Musicology promote collaborations between sciences and humanities, between theory and practice, as well as interdisciplinary combinations that are new, unusual, creative, or otherwise especially promising. CIM10 will focus on the relationship between nature and culture in musical behaviour, thinking and sound.

With the influence of evolutionary theory, and the interpenetration of the approaches and methods of the sciences and arts, researchers from many different fields have become interested in how culture and biology shape musical phenomena. To what extent is the music that gets made (its materials and structure) a direct product of physical and biological properties? How is the experience of music governed by biological mechanisms and cultural processes?

The conference aims to bring together representatives of the arts and humanities, the sciences, and musical practice who are involved in research on culture and nature in music. Researchers from all relevant disciplines are invited to contribute theoretical, empirical and computational studies.

The following topic areas illustrate the scope of the conference theme:

• Music’s evolutionary origins
• Cross-cultural comparison of musical phenomena
• Linguistic influences on music cognition
• How culture and biology shape the phenomenal experience of musical expectation
• Biological and cultural influences on the experience of emotions with music
• Relationship between emotional experience with music and emotions in daily life
• Development of musical skills
• Musical universals and musical specializations
• Cognitive and physical constraints shaping musical materials and compositional practices

Submissions are encouraged that are related to these sub-areas or the general theme of nature versus culture

Submission details:
In keeping with the aim of CIM to promote interaction between disciplines, each submission must have at least two authors who represent different disciplines. Extended abstracts should be structured in the following seven headlines:

1. Background in the first discipline
2. Background in the second discipline
3. Aims
4. Main Contribution
5. Implications for musical practice
6. Implications for musicological interdisciplinarity
7. References

In empirical and computational contributions, the “main contribution” should include a summary of method and results. Each submitted abstract should be followed by a short biography (CV) of the (first) two authors. The whole file should not exceed 1000 words, including all headings, names of authors, their affiliations, email addresses and biographies. The preferred format of the presentation (talk or poster) should also be indicated. All submissions must address the conference theme. Abstracts should be submitted in English either as plain text or in an attached
document (MS Word). They will be reviewed anonymously by a panel of international experts.

Deadline: 15th of September 2009

E-mail submissions to:

Further information from:

CIM10 is directed by:
Dr Nicola Dibben, and Dr Renee Timmers, Department of Music, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK

CIM10 is presented in collaboration with the European Society for Cognitive Sciences of Music (ESCOM), and the Society for Education, Psychology and Music Research (SEMPRE). See:

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