Sunday, 22 November 2009

Composition Competition: Eighth International Competition for Composers (Udine, Italy)



Art. 1 TEM - Taukay Edizioni Musicali and Delta Produzioni Associazione Culturale, with the participation of the Presidente della Repubblica, and the support of the Ministero per i Beni e le Attivita' Culturali, the Italian National UNESCO Commission, the Comune di Udine and the Universita' degli Studi di Udine, hereby open
the Eighth International Competition for Composers "Citta' di Udine".

Art. 2 The competition is divided in two sections:
- instrumental compositions for chamber orchestra
- electro-acoustic music.

Art. 3 The competition will accept unpublished compositions by musicians of any nationality and of any age. Previously performed compositions will be accepted. Compositions must be sent anonymously as explained below.

Art. 4 Section for compositions for chamber orchestra.
Pieces should not exceed eight minutes in length, however consideration will be given to compositions which exceed this length if, in the opinion of the jury, they are of particular artistic merit. The jury's decision on this matter is final.

The instrumental group is made up of:
- a string quartet (2 violins, viola and cello)
- piano
- flute (piccolo, alto flute, and bass flute) / one performer
- clarinet (clarinet in E flat, clarinet in B flat, clarinet in A and bass clarinet) / one performer
- percussion instruments from the following list: vibraphone, glockenspiel, tom toms (max 5 pieces) suspended cymbals, tam tam, templeblocks, small percussion instruments such as triangle, wood blocks, maracas etc. / one performer
- instruments listed above may be used in any combination
- if desired, just one instrument may be used
- it is possible to use a stereo audio track on DAT or CD in the performance of the chamber orchestra
- six copies of each score must be sent for the section of compositions for the chamber orchestra
- each of the six copies must contain the title of the composition,but must not contain the name of the composer
- information regarding the name of the composer must be placed in a sealed envelope and placed in a folder together with the scores
- should the score be selected for performance, the composer must supply separate scores for individual instruments
- scores will not be returned
- should works contain unknown symbols or marks, the composer must provide explanatory notes in order that the work can be understood correctly.

Art. 5 Electro-acoustic music section
Electro-acoustic musical compositions must have a duration of less than ten minutes and must be presented in stereo on DAT or compact disc. Any multi-channel versions of the composition should be sent along with the stereo version.
- only one copy of each composition need be sent for the Electro-acoustic music section.
- the DAT or CD being entered must contain the title of the composition, but must not contain the name of the composer
- information regarding the name of the composer must be placed in a sealed envelope and placed in a folder together with the composition being entered.

Art. 6 More than one composition may be submitted.

Art. 7 The Jury will select the winners from a shortlist of finalists
and will award the following prizes:
- Best composition in the section "Instrumental compositions for chamber orchestra": one thousand Euro (1000 Euro).
- Best composition in the section "Electro- acoustic music": one thousand Euro (1000 Euro).
- Special prize "Piero Pezze'" (founded by his heirs in memory of the Friulano composer who passed away in 1980): seven hundred Euro (700 Euro).
- Special mention with the awarding of the medal offered by the Presidente della Repubblica Italiana for this edition of the event.
- Public performance of 6-8 of the best compositions entered (Udine,October 2010).
- Production of a CD of the concert in October and inclusion of this in the TEM - Taukay Edizioni Musicali catalogue.
The two winning compositions will be broadcast by RAI Radio as part of the national programming of the RAI Radiotre Suite dedicated to contemporary music.
TEM - Taukay Edizioni Musicali, following the indications of the Jury and in agreement with the composer, offers to include and make available the most interesting compositions as part of their electronic catalogue of New Music.

Art. 8 Submitted works which include an audio recording of the composition may be included in the programming of Taukay Web Radio. The choice of compositions to be broadcast will be decided in accordance with the editorial direction of the broadcaster (

Art. 9 Works should be posted to the competition secretary at:
TEM - Taukay Edizioni Musicali - via del Torre 57/5 - 33047
Remanzacco (Ud) - ITALY
The closing date is 30 April 2010. The postmark will be deemed to be the date of submission. The final decision of the jury will be made public by 31st July 2010.

Art. 10 The jury reserves the right to refuse any entry which does not fulfil the indicated requirements.

Art. 11 Each individual composition in each section must be sent together with the receipt for the payment of the entry fee of thirty euros (euros 30). If multiple compositions are sent, a single payment may be made for the total of the combined entry fees. The fee should be paid in the following ways:

From Italy:
- vaglia postale paid to: Taukay Edizioni Musicali - via del Torre
57/5 - 33047 Remanzacco (UD) - ITALIA
- by credit card using the following link:
- by bank transfer using the following banking coordinates: IT 81 P
02008 12325 000040780136
UNICREDIT BANCA - Agenzia Udine del Ledra

From outside Italy:
- by credit card using the following link:
- by bank transfer using the following international banking
International bank account: IT 81 P 02008 12325 000040780136
UNICREDIT BANCA - Agenzia Udine del Ledra
- for information about other payment methods please e-mail:
Where possible, the "reason for payment" should indicate: Ottavo Concorso "Citta' di Udine".

Art. 12 The file containing the composition must include a sealed envelope containing the following personal information (a printable entry form can be downloaded at:
- name, surname, date and place of birth, sex, nationality, address, telephone number, e-mail address, section being entered, title, date and length of composition.
- a statement certifying that the submitted composition is unpublished
- a statement agreeing to permit the performance of the composition to be broadcast or telecast and archived without compensation
- a statement agreeing to the treatment of personal information in accordance with Italian privacy laws. (D. Lgs. 196/03 - Codice in materia di Privacy).
The following material must also be included:
- curriculum vitae and studiorum
- photocopy of identification document of the composer
- recent photograph of the composer
- receipt for the entry fee of 30 Euro

Art. 13 The Jury's decision is final.

Art. 14 By entering the competition and submitting the composition, the composer accepts all the above terms and conditions. Failing to follow the above terms and conditions will result in the forfeiting of any rights deriving from participation in the competition.

Art. 15 The competent court for any dispute is the Court of Udine.
For further information, please visit the TEM - Taukay Edizioni Musicali website at:
Or email us at:

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